American Indian
Communitiesfor Future Generations

American Indian
Communitiesfor Future Generations
American Indian
Communities for
Future Generations

Grants and Funding Proposals
We have planned and developed over $130.7 million in funding proposals (including federal, state, and foundation grants, contract bids, and other awards) for the benefit of American Indian communities.
Proposal Planning & Writing
In partnership with our clients, we help develop strategies for approaching grant/funding projects and develop those strategies into written plans.
Proposal Coordination
We can help coordinate the entire project, ensuring that all deadlines are met, the application meets the funding agency’s requirements, and high quality standards are achieved.
Project Implementation
Once the proposal is funded, we often help clients develop and implement the project.
Program Planning and Development
We work with our clients to strengthen existing programs and/or to plan and develop new ones. We also assist clients with the implementation and management of programs or projects.
We work with our clients to identify funding needs and resources and assist with writing funding proposals.
Service, Staffing, and Budgets
We plan and develop services, staffing, and budgets based on current industry standards and evidence-based practices.
Policies and Procedures
We develop and prepare policy and procedure manuals in accordance with current industry standards, evidence-based practices, and in close consultation with our clients. We also provide on-going technical assistance, and may review and revise policies and other developed materials as needed.
Facility Planning
We work with organizations to plan and develop new facilities or expand existing ones.

Community Readiness and Feasibility Studies
We conduct community readiness studies for clients to identify programs and services that are needed by their communities.
Project Outcome and Process Evaluation
We help our clients develop and conduct outcome and process evaluation to meet federal and state standards; to study the effectiveness of a program; and/or for program improvement and sustainability.
State-Wide and National Evaluation
We work with our clients to evaluate health care best practices, resources, experience, and capacity of Indian health organizations state-wide and nationally.
We work with our clients to plan and develop reports.
Federal Agency Services
We work on the local, state, and national level with federal agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
We work with federal government agencies and tribes to evaluate government and tribal programs.
Work Groups
We organize and manage work groups consisting of federal government agencies, tribes, and national associations to develop federal regulations, policy, manuals, and reports.
Meeting Facilitation
We facilitate local, statewide, and national consultation meetings with state and federal government agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
Federal Regulation Development
We plan and develop federal regulations related to Indian affairs in partnership with federal government agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
Regulatory Review, Program Reports, and Manuals
To meet the ever changing needs of government, we review federal regulations, statutes, and manuals; prepare program guidance reports that identify recommended amendments; and prepare policy and manuals (including handbooks) to implement federal standards.


Grants and Funding Proposals
We have planned and developed over $130.7 million in funding proposals (including federal, state, and foundation grants, contract bids, and other awards) for the benefit of American Indian communities.
Proposal Planning & Writing
In partnership with our clients, we help develop strategies for approaching grant/funding projects and develop those strategies into written plans.
Proposal Coordination
We can help coordinate the entire project, ensuring that all deadlines are met, the application meets the funding agency’s requirements, and high quality standards are achieved.
Project Implementation
Once the proposal is funded, we often help clients develop and implement the project.
Program Planning and Development
We work with our clients to strengthen existing programs and/or to plan and develop new ones. We also assist clients with the implementation and management of programs or projects.
We work with our clients to identify funding needs and resources and assist with writing funding proposals.
Service, Staffing, and Budgets
We plan and develop services, staffing, and budgets based on current industry standards and evidence-based practices.
Policies and Procedures
We develop and prepare policy and procedure manuals in accordance with current industry standards, evidence-based practices, and in close consultation with our clients. We also provide on-going technical assistance, and may review and revise policies and other developed materials as needed.
Facility Planning
We work with organizations to plan and develop new facilities or expand existing ones.

Community Readiness and Feasibility Studies
We conduct community readiness studies for clients to identify programs and services that are needed by their communities.
Project Outcome and Process Evaluation
We help our clients develop and conduct outcome and process evaluation to meet federal and state standards; to study the effectiveness of a program; and/or for program improvement and sustainability.
State-Wide and National Evaluation
We work with our clients to evaluate health care best practices, resources, experience, and capacity of Indian health organizations state-wide and nationally.
We work with our clients to plan and develop reports.
Federal Agency Services
We work on the local, state, and national level with federal agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
We work with federal government agencies and tribes to evaluate government and tribal programs.
Work Groups
We organize and manage work groups consisting of federal government agencies, tribes, and national associations to develop federal regulations, policy, manuals, and reports.
Meeting Facilitation
We facilitate local, statewide, and national consultation meetings with state and federal government agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
Federal Regulation Development
We plan and develop federal regulations related to Indian affairs in partnership with federal government agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
Regulatory Review, Program Reports, and Manuals
To meet the ever changing needs of government, we review federal regulations, statutes, and manuals; prepare program guidance reports that identify recommended amendments; and prepare policy and manuals (including handbooks) to implement federal standards.

Grants and Funding Proposals

We have planned and developed over $130.7 million in funding proposals (including federal, state, and foundation grants, contract bids, and other awards) for the benefit of American Indian communities.
Proposal Planning & Writing
In partnership with our clients, we help develop strategies for approaching grant/funding projects and develop those strategies into written plans.
Proposal Coordination
We can help coordinate the entire project, ensuring that all deadlines are met, the application meets the funding agency’s requirements, and high quality standards are achieved.
Project Implementation
Once the proposal is funded, we often help clients develop and implement the project.
Program Planning and Development

We work with our clients to strengthen existing programs and/or to plan and develop new ones. We also assist clients with the implementation and management of programs or projects.
We work with our clients to identify funding needs and resources and assist with writing funding proposals.
Service, Staffing, and Budgets
We plan and develop services, staffing, and budgets based on current industry standards and evidence-based practices.
Policies and Procedures
We develop and prepare policy and procedure manuals in accordance with current industry standards, evidence-based practices, and in close consultation with our clients. We also provide on-going technical assistance, and may review and revise policies and other developed materials as needed.
Facility Planning
We work with organizations to plan and develop new facilities or expand existing ones.

Community Readiness and Feasibility Studies
We conduct community readiness studies for clients to identify programs and services that are needed by their communities.
Project Outcome and Process Evaluation
We help our clients develop and conduct outcome and process evaluation to meet federal and state standards; to study the effectiveness of a program; and/or for program improvement and sustainability.
State-Wide and National Evaluation
We work with our clients to evaluate health care best practices, resources, experience, and capacity of Indian health organizations state-wide and nationally.
We work with our clients to plan and develop reports.
Federal Agency Services

We work on the local, state, and national level with federal agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
We work with federal government agencies and tribes to evaluate government and tribal programs.
Work Groups
We organize and manage work groups consisting of federal government agencies, tribes, and national associations to develop federal regulations, policy, manuals, and reports.
Meeting Facilitation
We facilitate local, statewide, and national consultation meetings with state and federal government agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
Federal Regulation Development
We plan and develop federal regulations related to Indian affairs in partnership with federal government agencies, tribes, and Indian associations.
Regulatory Review, Program Reports, and Manuals
To meet the ever changing needs of government, we review federal regulations, statutes, and manuals; prepare program guidance reports that identify recommended amendments; and prepare policy and manuals (including handbooks) to implement federal standards.
Clients & Projects
Clients & Projects

now available to indian health programs nationwide

now available to indian health programs nationwide
About Us
Our experience ranges from planning and developing small local programs to coordinating and managing large nationwide projects. As a result of years of experience, we have established strong relationships with many funding sources; local, state, and federal government agencies; and other consultants who specialize in working with Indian communities.
We always strive to provide the highest level of service to our clients. This is the reason that we have come to work with many of the same clients year after year on different projects. We value long-term relationships and we are always working to strengthen those relationships by consistently maintaining high standards of work and achieving successful outcomes.

(From Left) Herbert McMichael, PhD; James Ward, MBA;
John Davis, PsyD; Allen Saul, LADC; and Robert Burns, ICADC, CADC II

(From Left) Herbert McMichael, PhD; James Ward, MBA;
Kameisha Bennett, Public Health Advisor, SAMHSA/CSAP; and Robert Burns, ICADC, CADC II

(From Left) Rose Weahkee, Ph.D., Acting Director, Office of Urban Indian Health Programs, IHS; Dona James, Executive Director; Paula Brim, Board Chairperson; James Ward, MBA; and RADM Michael D. Weahkee, MBA, MHSA, Assistant Surgeon General, Principal Deputy Director, IHS

James Ward, MBA
President and CEO
Thais Turner, LMFT, CATP
TurnerWood Marriage and Family Therapy, Inc.
Karsten Gerhardt
Software Systems and Services International, Inc.
About Us
Our experience ranges from planning and developing small local programs to coordinating and managing large nationwide projects. As a result of years of experience, we have established strong relationships with many funding sources; local, state, and federal government agencies; and other consultants who specialize in working with Indian communities.
We always strive to provide the highest level of service to our clients. This is the reason that we have come to work with many of the same clients year after year on different projects. We value long-term relationships and we are always working to strengthen those relationships by consistently maintaining high standards of work and achieving successful outcomes.

(From Left) Herbert McMichael, PhD; James Ward, MBA;
John Davis, PsyD; Allen Saul, LADC; and Robert Burns, ICADC, CADC II

(From Left) Herbert McMichael, PhD; James Ward, MBA;
Kameisha Bennett, Public Health Advisor, SAMHSA/CSAP; and Robert Burns, ICADC, CADC II

(From Left) Rose Weahkee, Ph.D., Acting Director, Office of Urban Indian Health Programs, IHS; Dona James, Executive Director; Paula Brim, Board Chairperson; James Ward, MBA; and RADM Michael D. Weahkee, MBA, MHSA, Assistant Surgeon General, Principal Deputy Director, IHS

James Ward, MBA
President and CEO

Thais Turner, LMFT, CATP
TurnerWood Marriage and Family Therapy, Inc.

Karsten Gerhardt
Software Systems and Services International, Inc.

Contact Us
9562 Winter Gardens Blvd., Suite D-358
Lakeside, CA 92040
619-938-1613 (office)
Contact Us
9562 Winter Gardens Blvd., Suite D-358
Lakeside, CA 92040
619-938-1613 (office)